Friday, February 8, 2008


On Ash Wednesday, I went to the Liturgy of the Word service at my kid's school. That service was for the K-2 kids. It entailed having the readings for the day, a little homily by the priest, and then the distribution of ashes. Steve took half the day off of work, so we took Emily and went to that service. Ryan was there with his class so we got to take a quick peek at him.

Kathryn and her class went earlier in the day to the Mass. I couldn't make it to that.

Tonight I went to the Stations of the Cross. I took Ryan with me. I'm not sure if the kids will be doing that at school, so I want to expose them to some of the devotional practices of Lent. When I was younger, single, and living at home, I was able to participate in many devotions at church during Lent. I remember them being very meaningful to me and they helped me tremendously in my spiritual life. So this year I want to try and do a little more. I plan on doing the Stations of the Cross every Friday during Lent. I also want to go to Adoration once a week.

I have a handful of books I would like to read during this time. I don't plan on getting through all of them and I'll just pick the one that I'm led to at that time. Here's my list:

The Secret Diary of Elisabeth Leseur
The Lamb's Supper - Scott Hahn
Exposition of the Seven Penitential Psalms - St. John Fisher
Encyclical Letter God is Love - Pope Benedict XVI
The Art of Praying - Romano Guardini
Introduction to the Devout Live - St. Francis de Sales

I'm limiting my computer time during this Lenten season, so I may not be visiting or commenting as often but I'll get around to read what all of you are doing!


Maryellen said...

Lisa, you're off to a great Lenten start. Can you really read all those books in 6 weeks?

If you do Adoration once a week, you will be Sooooo blessed. Clinton and I go every Friday. Our Parish started it Fridays only over a year ago, and it has made a tremendous difference in our life. We can feel and see the changes God is making in us from this weekly hour with Jesus in the Ciborium.

I'm glad so many bloggers are taking a break for lent. It's become difficult to keep up with my RSS subscriptions!

Have a blessed and holy Lent.

Cmerie said...

I've been wanting to read the Lamb's Supper by Scott Hahn as well. Right now, I'm reading Hail Holy Queen by him. Very good book!