Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Farm Day

Today I took Kathryn & Ryan to an educational farm. We had lots of fun seeing the farm animals and the vegetable plants. Emily didn't go as she seems to be afraid of the animal noises. I attempted to take her yesterday, but she wouldn't budge after hearing the cow "moo."

Here is a picture of one of the goats. He attempted to eat my jacket but I was alert and moved away before he succeeded.

Here is the biggest pig I've ever seen. I'm a city girl so this creature was BIG! In this picture she is waiting for her food. The farmer (for lack of a better name for the worker) was making his rounds and feeding all the animals. Miss Piggy is quite anxious!
Anyway, we all had a good time. Later in the afternoon, Ryan had a game. He is a good player. He hasn't use the T all season.
Tomorrow, we are planning on going to a nature center at a local regional park. The weather might be cool and windy so I'm not sure yet if we'll be venturing out. Ryan is getting over another ear infection and Emily is in the midst of a real snotty cold. We shall see.
PS. I'm still attempting to upload pictures so that they appear where I want them so pardon the not so polished look.